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technology to reach further in Uruguay

Committed to our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion policy we develop inclusive practices in our Teaching Centres by using technology to reach vulnerable areas far away.

In Uruguay, the Ceibal English project began as a small-scale pilot in July 2012 teaching 50 remote lessons each week in 20 urban schools outside Montevideo, using teachers based in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico and delivering interactive lessons in real time using videoconferencing technology.

In 2013 we signed a three year contract with Plan Ceibal to progressively expand the project, first to 500 remote lessons per week. By July 2013 the number of lessons had doubled to 1,000 per week, including lessons taught from The Philippines.

One of the greatest achievements of the program has been maintaining students' motivation to learn, which has been helped by the way technology has been incorporated into the classroom.

This project is part of the Uruguayan government's long-term strategy to improve English teaching in primary schools.

Children of inclusive Teaching Centres in Uruguay

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