Whether you are a business, an educational organisation, a charitable institution or an international organisation, we have the flexibility and range of experience to work with you to meet your organisation's needs.

We are a globally trusted brand. Partnering with us gives you access to worldwide networks, expertise in international learning and cultural and community programmes.

Worldwide in 2011–12:

  • We worked with 12.5 million people face-to-face.
  • 9.5 million people attended our arts exhibitions, fairs and festivals.
  • 308,000 learners received training in our English teaching centres.
  • We delivered 2.7 million UK examinations.
  • We supported four million English teachers and 41 million learners with online teaching and learning content.
  • 73.3 million people used our digital channels and 485 million listened to our programmes on the radio, watched our TV programmes and read our publications.
  • 92 per cent of people in the annual Ipsos MORI survey of 4,000 influential participants in our programmes across 50 countries said that working with us had an impact on their professional lives.
  • 81 per cent said that it had also prompted changes within the organisation they worked for.

Partnering with us enables you to:

  • reach your audiences
  • enhance your brand
  • achieve your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aims
  • gain access to our networks of expertise
  • learn English with the world leader in English language training
  • benefit from our high standard of customer service.