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Rugby is a very popular sport all over the world. Every year in Brazil, the Try Rugby programme gathers children to play Tag Rugby and do some educational activities.

In October 2016, the event took place in in Santa Catarina (South of Brazil) and included an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion activity for the first time.
The youngsters were gathered in groups and had to draw a rugby player. Then, they were asked to stop and watch some videos that included a diverse perspective of the sport: Brazilian Women’s Rugby Team at the Olympics, a Rugby project in Argentina for kids with Down Syndrome, and Wheelchair Rugby at the Paralympic Games.

After that, they had a chance to change their drawings or to amend them if necessary.
Comments were positive, and the conclusion was that Rugby, like any sport, is for everyone despite any physical characteristics.

Every single group made some changes in their original draft in order to make them more diverse and inclusive!

Young woman drawing in the Rugby Brazil Festival
Young person participating and drawing in the Rugby Brazil Festival

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