Taita Misak touring the yatul (orchard). ©

British Council

The Misak people always grow organically, trying to obtain their own seeds from the region, and yet it is very difficult for seeds to adapt.

Some of the ancestral foods for the Misak people are:

  • Mauja (turnip), onion, garlic, potatoes, oca, cabbage.
  • Trouts, cattle, rams, chicken and guinea pigs.
  • Strawberries.
  • Cape gooseberries.

Bartering of products from cold and warm climates is still common.

This component included the following activities:

Yatul (orchard) family Misak. ©

British Council

Lettuce is organically grown by the Misak people. ©

British Council

Talking (culinary) maps developed by Mamas Misak. ©

British Council

Development and supporting the yatul (vegetable garden)

The “Sowing Our Knowledge” programme aims to recover traditional forms of agricultural production, strengthening yatules (family gardens) and recovering organic native seeds.

Talking Maps

In order to profile territories, we have developed a methodology based on the creation of “talking maps”. These have been very helpful for the research conducted on the heritage of the Resguardo de Guambía. These maps helped us establish a large inventory of places of touristic interest in the nine areas of the Resguardo.