Thursday 9 June 2022
10:00 to 12:00

Remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that educators must constantly change. They must adopt new methodological strategies, use new technology tools and learn new methods to dialogue and interact.

The “New Ways of Teaching” documentary shows how learning is challenging. It reflects on changes in education systems, builds understanding of the needs of students and presents necessary resources to overcome the constant transformation of the educational sphere.

It is aimed at teachers, headteachers, school managers and public policymakers. Use it to develop your professional skills and build a genuinely student-focused educational future.

Don't miss out our launch and the opportunity to see the documentary first hand on:

9 June at 10:00 a.m., COL/MEX and 12:00 pm., ARG/BRA.

Remember that spaces are subject to availability.

Register here